12th Annual Hide and Go Cache

First Finders for the 12th Annual Vancouver Island Hide and Go Cache! (2016)

Total number of FTFs

Caches found, sorted by finder. See totals at bottom of page.

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A Legendary CITO for the HAG - HAG XIICITOAnnieMaroo----
Strollin on The Legends of SF - HAG XIIEventLumbo-Tire----
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A Legend on Salt Spring - HAG XIIMysteryThurgoodWhitechapelAmandazon
A. Legend in North America - HAG XIIMysteryThurgoodWhitechapelAmandazon
Cabin Fever Hag XIITraditionalljg-47Amandazon
Leg-end -?HAG XIITraditionalThurgoodWhitechapelAmandazon
The Legend of Lannan Flats: HAG XIITraditionalMadillAmandazon
The Legend of Three Door Cave Hag XIITraditionalljg-47Amandazon
The Umbrella Tree Hag XIITraditionalljg-47Amandazon
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Stump Lovely - HAG XIITraditionalBluHeron17ArrowO
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Creature Feature - HAG XIIMysteryskrambleBearClaw1
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Whiffen Spit C-I-T-H -- HAGXII --Traditionalboomer365Benicha & AJcoco
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Coppiced Nurse Stump - HAG XIITraditionalBluHeron17BoneyK
Gone Fishing! - HAG XIITraditionalBluHeron17BoneyK
Legend of Century Sam - HAG XIITraditionalWillow WandBoneyK
Legend of Sid Williams - HAG XIITraditionalWillow WandBoneyK
Legend of the Frog Prince - HAG XIITraditionalWillow WandBoneyK
Legend of the Wren - HAG XIITraditionalWillow WandBoneyK
Logarhythm - HAG XIITraditionalBluHeron17BoneyK
Once There Were Giants - HAG XIITraditionalBluHeron17BoneyK
The Legend of Vicmorda and Belle - HAG XIITraditionalWillow WandBoneyK
The Pallet Garden - HAG XIITraditionalBluHeron17BoneyK
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THUNDERBIRD - KW-UHNX-WA - HAG XIITraditionalcache cropBoomer365 & James659
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I can't do a thing with my Hair-LLSeries HAGXIITraditionaldiraduckcameracowgirl
It's not easy ...Little Legends Series: HAG XIITraditionaldiraduckcameracowgirl
King of the Forest-Little Legends Series :HAGXIITraditionaldiraduckcameracowgirl
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A walk on a pipe -- HAGXII --Traditionalboomer365Clan_Stewart
COUGAR - WT_EK_TNEC - HAG XIITraditionalcache cropClan_Stewart
Kingfisher HAG XIITraditionalAmandazonClan_Stewart
Legendary Cachers: HAG XIITraditionalMadillClan_Stewart
Moon HAG XIITraditionalAmandazonClan_Stewart
Octopus HAG XIITraditionalAmandazonClan_Stewart
Orca HAG XIITraditionalAmandazonClan_Stewart
OWL - CIYT?EW_ - HAG XIITraditionalcache cropClan_Stewart
Rabbit HAG XIITraditionalAmandazonClan_Stewart
Raven HAG XIITraditionalAmandazonClan_Stewart
Sweet Cherry Pie!: HAG XIITraditionalislandfindersClan_Stewart
TURTLE - MOIUIC - HAG XIITraditionalcache cropClan_Stewart
Wolf HAG XIITraditionalAmandazonClan_Stewart
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FROG - SXE,ANEW_ - HAG XIITraditionalcache cropClan_Stewart & Tempeste49
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Luke Skywalker- HAG XIITraditionalSoobaxMclassictwo
R2-D2- HAG XIITraditionalSoobaxMclassictwo
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Zebra HAGXIITraditionalbluefirebirdCougar_Kid & geo-tic86
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Hatch -- HAGXII --Traditionalboomer365Crab_&_Mussel
kapoor Park -- HAGXII --Traditionalboomer365Crab_&_Mussel
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Legendary Raven - HAG XIITraditionalwroosterDog_Cachers
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Botchiness Rock Hag XIITraditionalljg-47Dog_Cachers & Amandazon
Emperor Cache HAG XIITraditionalljg-47Dog_Cachers & Amandazon
Legendary Portage - HAG XIITraditionalGrifungDog_Cachers & Amandazon
Needles and Pines Cache Hag XIITraditionalljg-47Dog_Cachers & Amandazon
The Legend of Waterfall...HAG XIITraditionalAnnieMarooDog_Cachers & Amandazon
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Legend of Thor - HAGXIITraditionalKoootenayDutch_Chocolate
Show Me Your TotTs #1!: HAG XIITraditionalislandfindersDutch_Chocolate
The Legend of the Defunct Dayliner!: HAG XIITraditionalislandfindersDutch_Chocolate
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Show Me Your TotTs #2!: HAG XIITraditionalislandfindersekeenster
The Intimidator - HAG XIITraditionalTHEG-FORCEekeenster
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Legend of Ginger Goodwin: HAG XIIMysteryMike&LilyFordfender
Legend of the Kingfisher - HAG XIITraditionalWillow WandFordfender
Legend of the White Stag: HAG XIITraditionalMike&LilyFordfender
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A Legendary Adventure - HAG XIIMultiskrambleGrifung
Sometimes you feel like a nut...: HAG XIITraditionalislandfindersGrifung
The Legend of Hunchback Island: HAG XIITraditionalislandfindersGrifung
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Legend of The Moon and the Great Snake : HAG XIIMysteryMike&LilyHB-vanislelady & The_Pollywog
Access cache Hag X11Traditionalcache-n-kerrieHB-vanislelady & The_Pollywog
Enroute to Hag X11Traditionalcache-n-kerrieHB-vanislelady & The_Pollywog
Legend in our own mind : HAG XIIMysteryMike&LilyHB-vanislelady & The_Pollywog
Not a legend, just a cache HAG XIITraditionalHAILHOLLHB-vanislelady & The_Pollywog
The Legend of Dragnet! : HAG XIIMysteryMike&LilyHB-vanislelady & The_Pollywog
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Legendary Puzzler #3 - HAG XIIMysteryraakeaHB-vanislelady & The_Pollywog & lil_woohoo & Wil
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And the Legend continues...HAG XIIMysterySheesh695islandfinders
GRIFFIN - HAG XIITraditionalcache cropislandfinders
In the Beginning... - HAG XIIMysterypaconlacellarsislandfinders
Keep Looking, It's There! HAGXIITraditionaltotemtabouislandfinders
Legend of the magic circles HAGXIITraditionaltotemtabouislandfinders
Legend Tree HAG XIITraditionalljg-47islandfinders
Legendary Junk - HagXIITraditionalDog_Cachersislandfinders
Out of Office - HAG XIIMysteryThe A-Teamislandfinders
SWUQUS ( Swukas) HAG XIITraditionalSheesh695islandfinders
The Legend of 0 ... HAGXIITraditionaltotemtabouislandfinders
The Legend of Bella - HAG XIITraditionalDog_Cachersislandfinders
The Legend of Bigfoot - Hag XIIMulticlassictwoislandfinders
The Lost Leaky Bucket Mine - HAG XIITraditionalskrambleislandfinders
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The Legend of the Lost Cabin HAG XIITraditionalljg-47islandfinders & Let's_Eat_Chocolate
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Caches for sale or rent 2! HAG XIITraditionalislandfindersJAK*JAK
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Legendary Roosters - HAG XIIMysterywroosterLet`s_Eat_Chocolate & zoeseadog & stellabella
The Legend of the Thetis Lake Monster: HAG XIIMysteryislandfindersLet`s_Eat_Chocolate & zoeseadog & stellabella
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The Legend of Sweaty Moron Guy: HAG XIITraditionalislandfindersLet`s_Eat_Chocolate & zoeseadog & stellabella &
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Eeekkk-It's a mouse- Little Legends Series HAG XIITraditionaldiraduckMES77
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Be there or Be Square-LLSeries HAG XIITraditionaldiraduckMES77, Cameracowgirl & bid2
Little Legends Series-Grand Finale HAGXIIMysterydiraduckMES77, Cameracowgirl & bid2
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Echo - HAG Kissed Series - HAG XIITraditionalAnnieMarooMr&MrsCrowley
Matilda - HAG Kissed Series Final - HAG XIIMysteryAnnieMarooMr&MrsCrowley
Raven - HAG Kissed Series - HAG XIITraditionalAnnieMarooMr&MrsCrowley
Willow - HAG Kissed Series - HAG XIITraditionalAnnieMarooMr&MrsCrowley
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Power Line Pickup Hag XIITraditionalbluefirebirdOceansailor
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DRAGON - HAG XIITraditionalcache croppaconlacellars
PROJECT OBLIGATORY OVATION: HAG XIIMultiislandfinderspaconlacellars
ROBERT JOHNSON and the DEVIL - HAG XIITraditionalcache croppaconlacellars
UNICORN - HAG XIITraditionalcache croppaconlacellars
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Fifty Two -- HAGXII --Traditionalboomer365pat&rob
Fifty-- HAGXII --Traditionalboomer365pat&rob
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Legend of Mitlenatch Island: HAG XIITraditionalMike&Lilyraakea
Legend of Cachecrop: HAG XIITraditionalMike&Lilyraakea
Legend of Forbidden plateau :HAG XIITraditionalMike&Lilyraakea
Legend of Queneesh: HAG XIITraditionalMike&Lilyraakea
Legend of the Ladybug: HAG XIITraditionalMike&Lilyraakea
Legend of wisdom sticks: HAG XIITraditionalMike&Lilyraakea
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Legend of Dancing Mary:HAG XIITraditionalMike&Lilyraakea & Fordfender
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Mini Me0ws Cache No. 4 - Ozzy! HAG XIITraditionaldethme0wRlegend
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Chewbacca- HAG XIITraditionalSoobaxMSheesh695
Yoda- HAG XIITraditionalSoobaxMSheesh695
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C-3PO- HAG XIITraditionalSoobaxMSheesh695 & classictwo & diraduck
Han Solo- HAG XIITraditionalSoobaxMSheesh695 & classictwo & diraduck
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BEAVER -S?EL,AU, - HAG XIITraditionalcache cropskramble, ljg-47, sole_seeker & wrooster
EAGLE - QELE?SEN - HAGXIITraditionalcache cropskramble, ljg-47, sole_seeker & wrooster
Hummingbird HAG XIITraditionalAmandazonskramble, ljg-47, sole_seeker & wrooster
JUMPING MOUSE - QADEN, - HAG XIITraditionalcache cropskramble, ljg-47, sole_seeker & wrooster
LOON - SWO?EN - HAG XIITraditionalcache cropskramble, ljg-47, sole_seeker & wrooster
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THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW - HAG XIIMysteryceebeeceeStash_Seekers
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Storm - HAG Kissed Series - HAG XIITraditionalAnnieMarooStumpjumperz
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Bear HAG XIITraditionalAmandazonTaqulik
DRAGONFLY - TEM,TEM,X_IYO,ES - HAG XIITraditionalcache cropTaqulik
Sun HAG XIITraditionalAmandazonTaqulik
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How the ?#@*&%! did that get there... too?: HAGXIITraditionalislandfindersTeam_Uptonogoodniks
The Legend of the Lonely Erratic: HAG XIITraditionalislandfindersTeam_Uptonogoodniks
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The Legend of the Little People - HAG XIITraditionalsole seekerTeam.DnA
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Big Kalamazoo Rock HAG XIITraditionalljg-47Team.DnA & wrooster
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A walk on the Goose -- HAGXII --Traditionalboomer365THEG-FORCE & the_A-Team
Broomhill Park -- HAGXII --Traditionalboomer365THEG-FORCE & the_A-Team
In Good Company 3: HAG XIITraditionalislandfindersTHEG-FORCE & the_A-Team
Local Legends - the Golf Course Ghost HAG XIITraditionalAmandazonTHEG-FORCE & the_A-Team
Local Legends - the lost cave of gold HAG XIITraditionalAmandazonTHEG-FORCE & the_A-Team
Local Legends - The lost Spanish Cave HAG XIITraditionalAmandazonTHEG-FORCE & the_A-Team
Local legends The Bard and Banker HAG XIITraditionalAmandazonTHEG-FORCE & the_A-Team
The Legend of the Big Red Monster: HAG XIITraditionalislandfindersTHEG-FORCE & the_A-Team
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6 inch meatball on Italian: HAG XIIMysteryislandfinderstotemtabou
Belinda - HAG Kissed Series - HAG XIITraditionalAnnieMaroototemtabou
Celeste - HAG Kissed Series - HAG XIITraditionalAnnieMaroototemtabou
Legends of the Underwood - HAG XIIMysterypaconlacellarstotemtabou
Luna - HAG Kissed Series - HAG XIITraditionalAnnieMaroototemtabou
Phoenix - HAG Kissed Series - HAG XIITraditionalAnnieMaroototemtabou
Red L&L, south side of trail, under log: HAG XIITraditionalislandfinderstotemtabou
Sparkleena Night Cache - HAG XIIMysteryAnnieMaroototemtabou
Where would you hide a cache... : HAG XIIMysteryislandfinderstotemtabou
Cache NameTypeHidden byFTF
Legend of Vancouver island Sasquatch: HAG XIITraditionalMike&Lilywho was FTF?
SALMON - SCAANEW_ - HAG XIITraditionalcache cropwho was FTF?
The Secret Garden HAGXIITraditionaltotemtabouwho was FTF?



CacherTotal FTFs
Clan_Stewart 13
islandfinders 13
BoneyK 10
totemtabou 9
THEG-FORCE & the_A-Team 8
Amandazon 7
HB-vanislelady & The_Pollywog 6
raakea 6
Dog_Cachers & Amandazon 5
skramble, ljg-47, sole_seeker & wrooster 5
Mr&MrsCrowley 4
paconlacellars 4
cameracowgirl 3
Dutch_Chocolate 3
ekeenster 3
Fordfender 3
Grifung 3
Taqulik 3
who was FTF? 3
---- 2
classictwo 2
Crab_&_Mussel 2
Let`s_Eat_Chocolate & zoeseadog & stellabella 2
MES77, Cameracowgirl & bid2 2
pat&rob 2
Sheesh695 2
Sheesh695 & classictwo & diraduck 2
Team_Uptonogoodniks 2
ArrowO 1
BearClaw1 1
Benicha & AJcoco 1
Boomer365 & James659 1
Clan_Stewart & Tempeste49 1
Cougar_Kid & geo-tic86 1
Dog_Cachers 1
HB-vanislelady & The_Pollywog & lil_woohoo & Wil 1
islandfinders & Let's_Eat_Chocolate 1
Let`s_Eat_Chocolate & zoeseadog & stellabella & 1
MES77 1
Oceansailor 1
raakea & Fordfender 1
Rlegend 1
Stash_Seekers 1
Stumpjumperz 1
Team.DnA 1
Team.DnA & wrooster 1
Total finders: 48