VI Hide and Go Cache Stats

Hide and Go Cache statistics since HAG XI (2015)!

Total Caches Hidden = 2742

Caches by year

2015 = 642 caches hidden
2016 = 149 caches hidden
2017 = 112 caches hidden
2018 = 288 caches hidden
2019 = 405 caches hidden
2020 = 192 caches hidden
2021 = 402 caches hidden
2022 = 84 caches hidden
2023 = 192 caches hidden
2024 = 276 caches hidden

Misc. cache data

81 = Number of distinct cache hiders
357 = Number of distinct FTFers

Hides by Type (since 2015)

Traditional: 1965
Multi: 56
Letterbox: 11
Event: 17
Mystery: 657
CITO: 17
Earthcache: 8
Wherigo: 11

Pie chart

Hides by Size (since 2015)

Large: 10
Regular: 117
Small: 601
Micro: 1716
Other: 298

Pie chart

Trophy Winners Since HAG I (2005)

Most hidesD-Tour (6)
Most FTFsCurious George
Most hidessole seeker (13)
Most FTFssquirrellydeath
Most hidesRelic Hounds (38)
Most FTFspeetz
Most waymark hidesjrav
Most waymark findsviguy
Most hidesCyberchasers (5)
Most FTFsRelic Hounds
Most waymark hidesThe_Draglings
Most waymark findsviguy
Most hidesAmandazon (12)
Most FTFsBig air Shane
Most waymark hidesThe_Draglings
Most waymark findsviguy
Most hidesAmandazon (14)
Most FTFsCASM327
Most waymark hidesThe_Draglings
Most waymark findsCASM327
Pyramid TrophyKarleen 5
Most hidesAmandazon (35)
Most findswrooster
Most FTFsThe Geoknights
Pyramid Trophyljg-47 & 17blonde
Best MultiThe A-Team
Best Puzzlelandsharkz
Best Logshadowcaster
Most hidesljg-47 & 17blonde
Most findswrooster
Best Night CacheAnnieMaroo
Scariest CacheThe Incredibles
Best Logpaconlacellars
Best PuzzleShadowcasterCDN
Best MultiGiant Pickle
Pyramid TrophyDog_Cachers
Most hidesVicmorda (54)
Most findswrooster
Most FTFswrooster
Best Night CacheTeam World Tour (Crimes in the City)
Best Multirock'n'roll (BLT Multi)
Best Logpaconlacellars & LJL (It's Elemental, My Dear Cacher)
Best Trailbirdseecer (SS series)
Best PuzzleMike&Lily (If the Shoe Fits)
Best CamoThe Incredibles (Red-Breasted Nuthatch)
Tricky Trophyslimshadysr (SSsr's Stereogram Stash)
Intrepid Cacher17blonde
Pyramid Trophyljg-47
Most hidescommonsense (57)
Most findstak2 and landchatch
Most FTFsfordfender
Scariest Cacheslimshadysr
Best Camotak2
Best Trailbirdseecer
Best Logdog_cachers
Pyramid Trophyvicmorda
Best Multivalleycats
Best Puzzlethe incredibles
Best Night Cacheislandfinders
Intrepid Cacheranniemaroo
Most findsJessimica02 and landchatch (368)
Most FTFsJessimica02 and landchatch (91)
Most EvilJuRuu (Frank Zappa)
Best CamoVicmorda (Cocoon)
Best TrailTAK2 & Kamikazegirl1 (series of 8 along Puntledge River in Courtenay
Best logBIRDSEECER (In My Life SSI)
Pyramid TrophyMike&Lily
Best Multiraakea (Key Notes)
Best puzzleislandfinders (All You Need is Love - The Beatles)
Best Night Cachenone this year
Intrepid CacherSheesh695
Most FavesHAILHOLL (Human Circuit)
Best EarthcacheAnnieMaroo (Viaduct flats/Quicks Bottom and Ross Bay Cemetery Seawall)
Best Puzzleraakea (Legendary Puzzle #3)
Best CamoAnnieMaroo (HAG Kissed series)
Best Night CacheAnnieMaroo
Best Hike or Bike TrailDiraDuck (Little Legends series)
Tricky Trophyislandfinders (Crimson Fish)
Pyramid Trophyislandfinders
Most Favesislandfinders (Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut)
Best Cache Pageskramble (Creature Feature)
Best Multiskramble (A Legendary Adventure)
Best LogDog Cachers (Project Obligatory Ovation)
Earth Cache TrophySoobaxM
Intrepid Cacher Trophytotemtabou
Event TrophyLumbo-Tire (Strollin' on the Legends of SF)
Most FTFsClan Stewart & islandfinders
Most HAG Findswrooster
Best Puzzlespaconlacellars
Best CamoDog_Cachers (The Twitter Box)
Best Hike or Bike Trailskramble, 17blonde, andronn (Alice in Wonderland series)
Tricky Trophyislandfinders
Pyramid TrophyAnnieMaroo
Most Favesboomer365 (Canadian Cryptex)
Best Multiboomer365 (Canadian Cryptex)
Best LogGrifung (The Twitter Box)
Earth Cache TrophyGeoHackers (Slot Canyon Hidden Waterfall)
Intrepid Cacher TrophyBearClaw1 and grhardy3
Event TrophyLumbo-Tire
Most FTFsislandfinders
Most HAG Findswrooster
Best Puzzlepaconlacellars (QR Magic)
Best CamoThe Geo-Travelers (Hookus, Pocus)
Best Hike or Bike TrailBearClaw1 (Broom Hill series)
Tricky Trophyislandfinders
Best Night CacheLandsharkz (PUCKing Magical)
Pyramid Trophystanley loves bacon
Most FavesKev_MacD (Ice Hot Rock 'n' Roll)
Best Multineltra (Seagirt Frog Pond)
Best LogDog_Cachers (PUCKing Magical)
Best Cache PageSoobaxM (Magic Eye)
Earth Cache TrophyAnnieMaroo
Intrepid Cacher Trophyneltra & boomer365 (Magic Hat series)
Event Trophymadill
Most FTFsHighlands_Guy
Most HAG Finds17blonde & skramble
Best Puzzlepaconlacellars (World Record)
Best Camo/ContainerTooniegar & Dog_Cachers (A Cache By Lucy)
Best Hike or Bike TrailHighlands_Guy (Flight Songs)
Tricky Trophyboomer365 (Avro Arrow)
Best Night Cacheislandfinders (Junk in the Trunk Night Time Fun)
Pyramid Trophyskramble
Most FavesGeo_Travelers (Whirly Bird)
Best MultiSoobaxM (Flying Skeletons)
Best LogPat&Rob
CITO TrophyAnnieMaroo
Intrepid Cacher TrophyAmandazon
Event TrophyLumbo-Tire
Most FTFswrooster
Most HAG Findswrooster
Best PuzzleAmandazon/Dog_Cachers (Planetary Order)
Best Camo/Containerislandfinders
Best Hike or Bike TrailThe Geo-Gals (SoobaxM, Guiding Pat, barbatlarge, 1DERFUL)
Tricky TrophyOceansailor (Trailhead - 44 DNFs before FTF)
Best Night CacheAnnieMaroo
Pyramid Trophycache crop
Most Faves (by %)tazdoodle
Best MultiHighlands Guy (Elsie King Accessible Trail)
Best LogDog_Cachers
Intrepid Cacher Trophytotemtabou
Event TrophyLumbo-Tire
Best Cache PageThe Geo-Travelers (Gateway to the Universe)
Best EarthcacheAnnieMaroo
Most FTFswrooster
Most HAG Findswrooster
HAG's ChoiceThurgoodWhitechapel
Best Puzzlebearclaw1 (Keys to the Kingdom - GC94DXK)
Best Camo/Containerislandfinders
Best Hike or Bike Trailcache crop & Amandazon (New W Trail in ESP)
Tricky Trophyislandfinders
Best Night CacheBIRDSEECR (Night Cacher's Survival Tips - GC94ZX1)
Pyramid Trophyljg-47
Outstanding SeriesGeo-Travelers (Axe, Fire and Water geoart)
Most Faves (by %)RedOctober454 (Go Fish! - GC94119)
Best Multikttyquest (Coffee is Essential - GC95WJX)
Best Logljg-47 (Keys to the Kingdom - GC94DXK)
Intrepid Cacher TrophyTeam Uptonogoodniks
Event Trophy---
Best Cache Page---
Best Earthcacheislandfinders (Chasing Waterfalls - GC95WMB)
Most FTFsRedOctober454 (60)
Most HAG Findswrooster (189)
HAG's Choiceskramble
Best PuzzleThe A-Team (Epiplaphobia - GC9M7ZY)
Best Camo/ContainerFreddieTheBoss (Logs Hold Secrets STVI5 - GC9HTB2)
Best Hike or Bike Trailkttyquest (Ironic series in ESP)
Most Evil/Frustrating CacheOceansailor (aaabchhinoopr - GC9MCZW)
Best Night Cacheislandfinders (The Night Stalker series - GC9MXHV - GC9MXHP)
Pyramid Trophyislandfinders
Most Faves (by %)cache crop (British COlumbia Jig - GC9M7ZA)
Best Multikttyquest (Ailurophobia... or Not? - GC9MBP8)
Best Logljg-47 (Night Cache, Or Not - GC9MKJM)
Intrepid Cacher TrophyBranky & Ms. Alpha
Event Trophycache crop
Best Cache PageFreddieTheBoss (Logs Hold Secrets STVI5 - GC9HTB2)
Best EarthcacheAnnieMaroo (Dunes - GC96DFB)
Most FTFsTHEG-FORCE & The A-Team (29)
Most HAG FindsBearClaw1 (63 of 84)
Best Trailcache crop (series around Swan Lake)
CITO TrophyAnniMaroo (4 CITOs, all at Goward Springs)
HAG's Choicetotemtabou
Best Hike or Bike TrailFreddieTheBoss (Fishy trail)
Most Evil/Frustrating Cachejustjoee
Best Night Cachenone this year
Pyramid TrophyLandsharkz
Most FavesFreddieTheBoss (Fishy #15! - JIG)
Best Multikttyquest (Go With The Bowker Flow)
Best LogDog_Cachers
Intrepid Cacher Trophyljg-47 & sole seeker
Best Cache PageSoobaxM (Magic in The Water)
Best EarthcacheAnnieMaroo
Most FTFswrooster (32)
Most HAG FindsAnnieMaroo (175 of 192)
Outstanding TrailThurgoodWhitechapel (Saltspring Island)
CITO Trophymadill & hippykippy
Best Puzzlewrooster for Jabberwocky
Best Hike or Bike Trailislandfinders for their huge series of challenges in Partridge Hills
Most Evil/Frustrating CacheFreddietheBoss for his tough Edge of Two Towns
Most FavesThe A-Team for #118 on his PTCL series
Best MultiOsquashyone1 for his 29 Leapy HAG caches
Best LogDogCachers
Intrepid Cacher Trophyjustjoee
Event TrophyLumboTire for all his over-the-top events
Most HAG FindsRoving Mickey and FreddieTheBoss (225)
Outstanding Trailkttyquest for her new series along the Coppermine Trail.
CITO Trophybenicha et al, for all their many clean-up events, but especially for the Spogomi
HAG's ChoiceThe A-Team, for that astonishing series round Lake Cowichan